Why manage multiple vendors and dozens of SDKs when you don’t have to? Develop, scale, test, optimize and run from a single integrated platform. Most cloud platforms focus on getting you started quickly, but BCL Hub is with you throughout your project’s lifecycle.
Find the APIs that you need for your project, embed the API into your app, and track usage of all your APIs through a single dashboard. If you create an API, use BCL API Hub to make it available to over 1 million developers already using our Marketplace.

Connected Experience
Why manage multiple vendors and dozens of SDKs when you don’t have to? Develop, scale, test, optimize and run from a single integrated platform. Most cloud platforms focus on getting you started quickly, but BCL Hub is with you throughout your project’s lifecycle.

Smart Lock
Web3 enabled smart lock.
Use Cases

Self Shopping Cart
Self scan and pay shopping cart.

Web3 Payment
Payment fee free solution.
BCL Web3 API Hub
Our API is available at BCL API Gateway where you can test from your browser, connect using code snippets and manage from dashboard.
As organizations grow, more APIs are created, making it harder for developers to find the services they need. With the average organization consuming more than 500 internal APIs -- a centralized BCL API Hub is needed to manage friction and prevent resource duplication.